
Visit my Substack: Hive Being
Visit my Substack: Hive Being

[W]e are all collective beings. . . . We must all receive and learn both from those who were before us, and from those who are with us. Even the greatest genius would not go far if he tried to owe everything to his own internal self. . . . I have known artists who boasted of having followed no master, and of having to thank their own genius for everything. Fools! As if that were possible at all; and as if the world would not force itself upon them at every step, and make something of them in spite of their own stupidity. . . . I by no means owe my works to my own wisdom alone, but to a thousand things and persons around me.—Goethe (Conversations with Eckermann)

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to think that nothing is able to withstand
sufficient shaking is perhaps to forget
the condition of the possibility for shaking
sufficient shaking is perhaps to forget
the condition of the possibility for shaking