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Aside from my son, Michael A. Istvan III, and my partner, Aaliyah Fritz, there are many people to credit for contributing to the website.
Thanks, first of all, to the various photographers.
Mike Lorusso (unsplash.com/@mikloru)
Daniele Colucci (unsplash.com/@daniele71043)
James Zwadlo (unsplash.com/@jzwadlo)
Mika (unsplash.com/@mikafinland)
Antoine Beauvillain (unsplash.com/@antoinebeauvillain)
Jorge Fernández Salas (unsplash.com/@jorgefdezsalas)
Lee Soo Hyun (unsplash.com/@arisu_view)
Ralph (Ravi) Kayden (unsplash.com/@ralphkayden)
Louis Paulin (unsplash.com/@louispaulin)
Amber DeGrace (flickr.com/photos/ink_mama/)
David Marcu (unsplash.com/@davidmarcu)
Muhammadtaha Ibrahim Ma’aji (unsplash.com/@planeteelevene)
Bark (flickr.com/people/barkbud/)
ThoseGuys119 (flickr.com/photos/thoseguys119/)
Sheridan N. Mills (flickr.com/photos/lmillsphotography/)
versageek (flickr.com/photos/versageek/)
Shay Sowden (flickr.com/photos/gigaboss/)
GRID-Arendal (flickr.com/photos/gridarendal/)
Rod Long (unsplash.com/@rodlong)
Ramidogg (flickr.com/photos/31413468@N08/)
Yener Ozturk (unsplash.com/@ynrozturk)
I would also like that the various magazines in which my work has appeared. Especially now that the HR cancel ethos has a firm grip on almost all the small magazines, these magazines have been bold in welcoming me. No, I am a monster. Quite the contrary, in fact (as is often the case: think of how sweet and supportive a person Chuck Palahniuk is, for example). It is just that I do not steer clear of the brutalities of reality. A trans character might lose an arm in one of my poems, an absolute no-no for a growing number of editors anxious to appear as woke as possible.
Adelaide Literary Magazine, African American Review, All Roads Will Lead You Home, Artifact Nouveau, Better Than Starbucks, Bindweed Magazine, Bitterzoet Magazine, Blacktop Passages, Blue Lake Review, Body Parts Magazine, BONED, Brief Wilderness, Cholla Needles, Claudius Speaks, Coldnoon: Travel Poetics, Conglomerate, Courtship of Winds, Crab Fat Magazine, Crack the Spine, Creation and Criticism, Dappled Things, Duende, Edify Fiction, EXPOUND, Fat City Review, Fictional Café, FishFood Magazine, Five 2 One Magazine, FLAPPERHOUSE, Flora Fiction, Former People: A Journal of Bangs and Whimpers, Frogpond, Futures Trading, Good Men Project, Gyroscope Review, Haikuniverse, Helen, Helix, The Helix, Hobart, Horror Sleaze Trash, Houseguest, Ibis Head Review, Indicia, Infernal Ink Magazine, JONAHmagazine, Line Zero, lipstickparty magazine, Literary Heist, Literary Orphans, Litro Magazine, Loaded Bicycle, Lotus-eater, Loud Coffee Press, The Main Street Rag, Main Street Rag, Mannequin Haus, Matador Review, Mayday Magazine, Metaworker, Minetta Review, Mobius: The Journal of Social Change, Moko, Moledro Magazine, Mr. Beller's Neighborhood, My Favorite Bullet, Nefarious Ballerina, Nixes Mate Review, Oddball Magazine, Oklahoma Review, One Sentence Poems, The Opiate, Organs of Vision and Speech Magazine, Penwood Review, Philosophy Now, Pleiades, Poetry Pacific, Poetry Quarterly, Poetry Super Highway, El Portal, Prachya Review, Quail Bell, Quiddity, Rat's Ass Review, Right Hand Pointing, Riverbabble, Rumble Fish Quarterly, Scarlet Leaf Review, Seattle Star, Shot Glass Journal, Sincerely Magazine, Sisyphus, Smoky Blue Literary and Arts Magazine, Taj Mahal Review, THAT Literary Review, The Almagre Review, The Gambler, The Los Angeles Review of Los Angeles, The Moose & Pussy, The Perch, Three Line Poetry, Tipton Poetry Journal, Triggerfish Critical Review, Turk's Head Review, TWJ Magazine, TXTOBJX, Underwater New York, Uprising Review, Urban Graffiti, Vincent Brothers Review, Visitant, Vitamin ZZZ, Poesis, West Trade Review, Wilderness House Literary Review, WINK: Writers in the Know, World Haiku Review, Writing Disorder, WUSSYMAG
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With lovers this magnetic power is particularly strong, and acts even at a distance. In my younger days I have experienced cases enough, when, during solitary walks, I have felt a great desire for the company of a beloved girl, and have thought of her till she has really come to meet me. “I was so restless in my room,” she has said, “that I could not help coming here.”—Goethe (Conversations with Eckermann)
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